1) Convert .6 to a fraction.

2) Convert .15 to a fraction.

3) Convert .87 to a fraction.

4) Convert .48 to a fraction.

5) Convert .64 to a fraction.

6) Convert .48 to percent.

7) Convert .79 to percent.

8) Convert .8 to percent.

9) Convert 13% to decimal.

10) Convert 88% to a decimal.

11) .3 * 36 =

12) .45 * 32 =

13) .42 * 32 =

14) .80 * 89 =

15) .92 * 132 =

16) What is 18% of 28?

17) What is 30% of 36?

18) What is 60% of 60?

19) What is 23% of 16?

20) Sue received a bill for $14.38 for a meal she ate at a popular restaurant. She decided to leave a 15% tip. How much money did she leave as a tip?