Graphic Java

This assignment gives the student more practice using for loops.
EXAMPLE: The student will create an applet like the one shown here. This activity provides the student with practice using for loops.

Here's a little sample to help the student get started on this assignment:

  public void strz1(Graphics g){
    for(int c=10; c < d.width-10; c+=15){
      x[0]=c;  y[0]=c;
      x[1]=c+3; y[1]=c+6;
      x[2]=c+8; y[2]=c+6;
      x[3]=c+4; y[3]=c+9;
      x[4]=c+7; y[4]=c+15;
      x[5]=c;   y[5]=c+9;
      x[6]=c-7; y[6]=c+15;
      x[7]=c-4; y[7]=c+9;
      x[8]=c-8; y[8]=c+6;
      x[9]=c-3; y[9]=c+6;