GAMES TWO: LESSON Thirteen: Cantris: Color Rotation

It would be nice to be able to re-order the color cells in the individual cans. We will use the "r" key for rotation of colors, "s" to scramble colors, and "m" to mutate colors. The can will begin falling in a horizontal orientation so that flipping the can is not necessary. Try this game and make sure you can figure out how rotation, mutation, and scrambling work.

Let's examine how mutation works in this game. First of all you should notice that a can when it is originally spawned cannot have any repeated colors due to the use of this do loop in the spawn method.

do{ for(int i = 0; i<c.length; i++){ x = Math.abs(r.nextInt()%sel.length); c[i]=sel[x]; } }while(c[0].equals(c[1]) || c[1].equals(c[2]) || c[2].equals(c[0]) );
But during mutation colors can be repeated since there is no code to prevent repetition of colors. Most of the work for mutation is done in the keyPressed method in the following lines:
else if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_M){ int i = Math.abs(r.nextInt()%sel.length); can.mutate(sel[i], i%3); }
The mutate method in CAN2 looks like this:
public void mutate(Color c, int i){ cr[i]=c; }
The rotate and scramble methods look like this:
public void rotate(){ Color hold = cr[0]; cr[0]=cr[1]; cr[1]=cr[2]; cr[2]=hold; } public void scramble(){ Color hold = cr[1]; cr[1]=cr[0]; cr[0]=cr[2]; cr[2]=hold; }
The score method looks like this:
public int score(Color s1,Color s2,Color s3){ int retval=0; if(s1.equals(cr[0])) retval++; if(s2.equals(cr[1])) retval++; if(s3.equals(cr[2])) retval++; return retval; }
Notice that the score method takes three color arguments and that it returns an integer value.

There are several other small accomodations which had to be made for this updated version of Cantris, but the changes discussed are the most major changes which were made.