GAMES TWO: LESSON Ten: Tic Tac Toe: Detecting Winner

Detecting a winner is really easy to do since there are only eight possible ways of winning the game of tic tac toe. So, the only major modification needed to detect a winner is to write a method which inspects the grid array for a winning pattern and integrate it into the rest of the applet.

Here is the winner method:

public boolean winner(int patt){ String symbol = "X"; if(patt==1) symbol="O"; if(grid[0].equals(symbol) && grid[1].equals(symbol) && grid[2].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[3].equals(symbol) && grid[4].equals(symbol) && grid[5].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[6].equals(symbol) && grid[7].equals(symbol) && grid[8].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[0].equals(symbol) && grid[3].equals(symbol) && grid[6].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[1].equals(symbol) && grid[4].equals(symbol) && grid[7].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[2].equals(symbol) && grid[5].equals(symbol) && grid[8].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[0].equals(symbol) && grid[4].equals(symbol) && grid[8].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } else if(grid[2].equals(symbol) && grid[4].equals(symbol) && grid[6].equals(symbol) ) { gameOver=true; win = patt; } if(win != -1) return true; else return false; }
The winner method gets called from either the move or computer_move method.

Integrating this method into the applet does require several other changes throughout the applet.