
Staggering: The technique used here is similar to the technique used in a lot of the previous assignments. You should be able to do this simple transformation on your own. Below is a section of code to help you.

public void doStagger(){ int nh = h + (h/10)*4; int xi = w/10; int yi = h/10; try{ int pixel[] = new int[w*h]; int hold[] = new int[w*nh]; PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(c, 0, 0, w, h, pixel, 0, w); if(pg.grabPixels() &&((pg.status() & ImageObserver.ALLBITS) != 0)){ for(int x=0; x<w*nh; x++){ hold[x]=Color.white.getRGB(); } for(int y=0; y<h; y++){ for(int x=0; x<w; x++){ if(x<xi || x>9*xi) hold[x+y*w] = pixel[x+y*w]; else if(x<2*xi || x>8*xi) hold[x+y*w+yi*w] = pixel[x+y*w]; else if(x<3*xi || x>7*xi) hold[x+y*w+2*yi*w] =pixel[x+y*w]; else if(x<4*xi || x>6*xi) hold[x+y*w+3*yi*w]= pixel[x+y*w]; else hold[x+y*w+4*yi*w]= pixel[x+y*w]; } } s=createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, nh, hold, 0, w)); } }catch(InterruptedException e) { } }