Tiny Numbers

Tiny Numbers: You will make an applet containing the number one through six as shown to the left. Of course, you will have to create a very small image for each number.
HINT: There are always lots of ways of approaching a problem. For this applet I predefined arrays to represent the numbers and then I used these arrays to create the images. I did this in three basic steps:


int[]a2={1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0,1, 0,0,1,1,1, 1,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,1}; This shows how a two can be defined in a 5x6 grid.


public Image makeNumber(int num){ int[]arr=new int[30]; switch(num){ case 1: arr=a1; break; case 2: arr=a2; break; case 3: arr=a3; break; case 4: arr=a4; break; case 5: arr=a5; break; case 6: arr=a6; break; } for(int i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){ arr[i]*=(255<<24)|(255<<16)|(255<<8); //yellow } return createImage(new MemoryImageSource(5,6,arr,0,5)); } This shows how the predefined arrays are used to create images for each number. Notice that a generic array called arr is used as a holder for each of the predefined arrays and then the values contained in each array are multiplied by the value of yellow.


for(int y=20; y<180; y+=8){ for(int x=20; x<180; x+=8){ if( i%6 == 0) g.drawImage(one,x,y,this); else if( i%6 == 1) g.drawImage(two,x,y,this); else if( i%6 == 2) g.drawImage(three,x,y,this); else if( i%6 == 3) g.drawImage(four,x,y,this); else if( i%6 == 4) g.drawImage(five,x,y,this); else if( i%6 == 5) g.drawImage(six,x,y,this); i++; } } Finally, the modulus operator is used to decide which image to draw in the paint method.