Your applet will use an instance of a user defined class called fraction.
You may model your fraction class after those found in the seventh grade
math course pages if you wish. The key algorithm which you will need to use
is shown in the textarea below. There are less efficient ways of finding the
Greatest Common Divisor, but you might as well do it the right way, so use
this one!
Euclid's Algorithm
One of the challenges you will face in creating this applet is figuring out
how you will take input such as 5/20 and assign 5 to a variable representing
the numerator and 20 to a variable representing the denominator. You may
need to do some research to figure this one out. Returning the correct
answer to the user, isn't nearly as difficult.
The other slight difficulty has to do with using the return key within the
text area to trigger events. It's not really all that bad though. It's
pretty straight forward.