char charAt(int index) | Returns the indexed character
of a string, where the index of the initial character is 0. |
String concat(String addThis) | Returns a new string
consisting of the old string followed by addThis. |
int compareTo(String otherString) | Performs a lexical
comparison; returns an int that is less than 0 if the current string is less than
otherString, equal to 0 if the strings are identical, and greater
than 0 if the current string is greater than otherString |
boolean endsWith(String suffix). | Returns true if the current
string ends with suffix, otherwise returns false |
boolean equals(Object ob) | Returns true if ob instanceof
String, and the string encapsulated by ob matches the string encapsulated
by the executing object. |
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s) | Is like equals(), but
the argument is a String, and the comparison ignores case. |
int indexOf(char ch) | Returns the index within the current
string of the first occurrence of ch. Alternative forms return the index of a string,
and begin searching from a specified offset. |
int lastIndexOf(char ch) | Returns the index within the current string
of the last occurrence of ch. Alternative forms return the index of a
string, and end searching at a specified offset from the end of
the string. |
int length() | Returns the number of characters in the current
string. |
replace(char oldChar, char newChar) | Returns a new string,
generated by replacing every occurrence of oldChar with newChar. |
boolean startsWith(String prefix) | Returns true if the current
string begins with suffix, otherwise returns false. |
String substring(int startIndex) | Returns the substring, beginning
at startIndex, of the current string and extending to the end of the
current string. An alternate form specifies starting and ending offsets. |
String toLowerCase() | Converts the executing object to lower
case and returns a new string. |
String toString() | Returns the executing object. |
String toUpperCase() | Converts the executing object to upper
case and returns a new string. |
String trim() | Returns the string that results from removing
whitespace characters from the beginning and ending of the current
string. |