The Maze
Hint 1) You will need to make a 20x20 array to represent your maze. You
should populate this with zeroes and ones (with the zeroes representing open cells
and the ones representing walls). A similar technique has been used in
previous lessons.
Hint 2) The following code snippet shows you how to test for a certain key
and then defines an action to take when that key is hit. This code snippet
goes into your KeyPressed method.
if(current/20>0 && grid[current-20]==0) current-=20;
Other keycodes are: KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, and
KeyEvent.VK_LEFT. Of course, you don't HAVE to use the arrow keys, but you
will have to figure out keycodes for other keys on your own if that's what
you want to do!
Hint 3) This code snippet shows you how to draw the maze in your paint method.
Notice the use of the modulus and division operators. You will need to use
these operators a few times in this applet.
for(int i=0; i