Graphic Java

Draw this leaf pattern. Use the recursive method shown below if you can... otherwise do it your own way (using draw methods).

public void drawLeafs(Graphics g, int len, int b){ int top=b-10; g.drawLine(r,b,r+len,b); g.drawLine(r,top,r+len,top); g.drawLine(l,b,l-len,b); g.drawLine(l,top,l-len,top); g.drawArc(r+len-5, top, 10, 10, 270, 180); g.drawArc(l-len-5, top, 10, 10, 90, 180); len=len-10; if(len>10) drawLeafs(g,len,top); else drawTop(g,top); }
You will have to figure out the drawTop method on your own if you decide to use this code.