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1. Which of the following local mountains is the highest in elevation?
Telescope Peak
Maturango Peak
Argus Peak
Wild Rose Peak
2. Which of the following gold mines is not in Searles Valley?
Gold Bottom
Keane Wonder

Inspect the javascript code used in this page carefully. You will notice the use of == for comparison purposes (are two things equal?). A single = is used for assignment of values. Also you will notice the ++ operator used in this sample. This is often referred to as the auto-increment operator. It's effect is to add one to a value stored in a variable.
Assignment: Your assignment will be to emulate and extend the above example. Create a ten item quiz. You must adhere to the geography theme and you must produce high quality questions and multiple choice answers. You should not fall into the assembly line mode of producing this assignment. There should be a good deal of variety in your questions both in content and form. Take your time and create a high quality product. Also create at least four different messages to be presented to the user depending on the user's score.