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Internal CSS

CSS can be specified inline, internally, or externally. In this lesson, we look at the internal specification of CSS. Basically, internal specification happens between HEAD and STYLE tags as can be seen by inspecting the source for this page. There are tons of parameters that can be specified. Only a few are shown here.

For more information on CSS it is suggested that the student do some online research. There are many sources of information regarding CSS available all over the interwebs!


Your assignment consists of four parts:

  1. Why is a dot used in, but a colon used in a:link? (Look at the source for this page and do some online research. Write a short paragraph to answer the question.)
  2. Define some CSS for OL and LI tags. Make three lists to demonstrate your CSS for these tags.
  3. Create five fancy HR tags using CSS.
  4. Figure out how to place a line above a section of text within a H1 tag using CSS.