Blockquotes and Staggered Text
Inspect the presentation shown between the purple lines:

Stahl Peak, Montana
Mt Timpanagoes, Utah
Harney Peak, South Dakota
Lookout towers were used for a long time as a way to spot fires as early as
possible so that firefighters could be deployed to the scene of the fire.
Lookout towers are not used much any more since air surveillance and satellite
surveillance works much better. Many lookout towers exist throughout the
United States and around the world.
There are many lookouts in Montana which are no longer used by the Forest
Service which can be rented out by civilians. For $15 to $40 per night
people can reserve a lookout where they can spend the night. Many of these lookouts are
accessible by road. Some, however, require a bit of a hike to get to. Here's a
description of one:
8 miles south of Trout Creek MT
Kootenai National Forest
The peak was named by forester I.V. Anderson and Harry Baker,
supervisor of the Cabinet National Forest in the 1920's. The
rumor most widely believed is that it was named after
their topic of conversation that day. It lived up to its
name when a patrol plane buzzed the lookout at eye level
in the 1960's and found two lovers stark naked on the rocks. The
first cab was a 1930 vintage L-4. This was replaced in 1948 by
the present L-4 cab, and staffed through the mid-1970's. It was
refurbished and placed on the Recreation Rental program
in 1986, and is listed on the National Historic Lookout Register.
Sex Peak Lookout
Seven Points Lookout
Priscilla Peak Lookout

You will emulate the layout shown on this page. You will need to study the
technique used to stagger the pictures and create the blockquote (the
indented paragraph). Your page will have six images arranged like the ones
on this page. A brief introductory paragraph and a blockquote paragraph.
Typically, paragraphs displayed in blockquotes are excerpts taken from some
other source. In this case, the blockquote information was taken from a page
describing lookouts in Montana (many of which are available for rent). You
will have to be pretty creative when it comes to deciding on a topic since
your topic will have to provide you with the opportunity to display six
pictures and display an excerpt in blockquotes. You will need to write an
introductory paragraph of your own. Make sure you create a quality