More Manipulation of GenBank Files

Here's a script which allows you to display a multi-line entry from a GenBank file:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "Available Files:\n"; @files = (); $folder = 'GENBANK'; unless(opendir(FOLDER, $folder)){ print "Cannot open folder\n"; exit; } @files = readdir(FOLDER); closedir(FOLDER); foreach $f (@files){ print "$f\n"; } print "Enter name of file: "; $filename = <STDIN>; chomp $filename; $filename = 'GENBANK/'.$filename; open(FH, $filename); @data = <FH>; close(FH); $intrans = 0; $endtrans = 0; $amino = ""; foreach my $line (@data){ if($line =~ /^\s*\/translation/ ){ $line =~ s/^\s*\/translation="\s*//; $amino .= $line; $intrans = 1; } elsif($intrans == 1){ $line =~ s/^\s*//; if( $line =~ /\"$/ ){ $line =~ s/"//; $endtrans = 1; } $amino .= $line; if($endtrans){ print "$amino\n"; exit; } } }
Write a script which displays only the nucleotide sequence. Download an additional five files so that you have a total of fifteen files in your GenBank directory.