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Alien Aerobics
Even aliens need a little exercise! Inspect the code real carefully on this
one! There are a couple advanced math kinds of things going on involving
trig functions. Although you will not be required to use trig functions in
your project, you should at least be aware of how they are used in this
sample project.
Make a sprite that dances! Restrictions, guidelines, and requirements:
- Your sprite will actually be composed of at least six sprites as
follows: right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, body, head.
- Choreography - Develop a little dance routine for your sprite. You
should create at least four distinct moves for your sprite.
- Although the term choreography typically is applied to dance moves, it
can also apply to a sequence of movements in a fight scene. So instead of
thinking of this as a dance routine, you could think of it as a martial arts
sequence, if that makes you feel better.
- Your arms and legs must bend at some point in your routine. This can be
achieved by separting arms and legs into pairs of sprites or by simply
switching costumes from a bent to a straight form. Either approach is