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Sentence Generator

When you activate the sample project, you hear (assuming your speakers are working and the volume is turned up sufficiently) some random sentences of the following form:

  She has a [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN].
Inspect the code to determine how sounds are randomly triggered using values stored in lists.


Create your own random sentences using the following formula:

  [NAME] [VERB] (prepositional phrase) [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN].

Your prepositional phrase should always be the same. Otherwise it will be nearly impossible for your random sentences to make sense. Some possible prepositional phrases you might consider include: by the, to the, on a, with a, etc. Be careful about the articles a and an since any word following a must begin with a consonant and any word following an must begin with a vowel. Record your own words and provide five words for each category. Also record your prepositional phrase. When the green flag is pressed your project should play seven sentences. All possible word choices should be displayed as in the sample project. Also place an appropriate title at the top of your project screen. For instance, "Where did they go?" might be a good title if your prepositional phrase is "to the".