Rows of Stuff

Topic: Using repeats in Logo to make rows of objects.

repeat 26[ repeat 5[fd 20 rt 144] pu seth 90 fd 30 seth 0 pd]

repeat 26[ repeat 20[fd 2 rt 18] pu seth 90 fd 30 seth 0 pd]

repeat 26[ repeat 3[fd 20 rt 120] pu seth 90 fd 30 seth 0 pd]

repeat 26[ repeat 4[fd 10 bk 20 fd 10 rt 45] pu seth 90 fd 30 seth 0 pd]

Assignment: Your job will be to make a row of squares using this same technique. You must have at least 20 little squares across your screen. They must all fit on your screen at the same time and they may not be touching.