Original Picture Original Picture in LOGO: LOGO allows you
to draw just about anything you can imagine. All you have
to do is figure out how to use the commands available to
you to render the image you want to create. For this assignment
there will a few requirements, but there will also be room
for you to create a unique and original work of art.
Specifications: You will create a scene which occupies
the regular LOGO viewing area which contains: 1) a house, 2) a tree,
3) an animal, 4) a sun, and 5) a vehicle. Your house must have a slanted
roof, a door, and a window. Your tree can take three possible forms: 1)
pine tree, 2) deciduous tree, 3) palm tree (see illustration below). The
animal must have 1) visible eyes, nose or beak; 2) paws, claws, talons,
or hoofs;
and 3) a tail, ears, or some other special feature. The sun must have at least
eight rays evenly spaced around its
. The rays may
take a number of forms (see illustration below). Finally, the vehicle may
be a bus, jeep, truck, tank, VW bug, etc. All that matters for the
vehicle is that it has at least two visible tires and look like some kind
of real vehicle.