The following line will create your first star: se 20 pu sz -40 40 pd pc 255 0 0 re 5 [[ fd 20 rt 144 ]] You will notice that the stars are all either red (255,0,0), yellow (255,255,0) or green (0,255,0). The locations of the stars are: (-40,40), (0,40), (40,40), (-40,0), (0,0), (40,0), (-40,-40), (0,-40), (40,-40). The part of the sample line that actually draws the star is: re 5 [[ fd 20 rt 144 ]] The rest of the line sets the position, the initial angle, and the color. |
Challenge #1 |
Challenge #2 |
Challenge #3 |
Challenge #4 |