re 8 [[ pc 255 255 0 rt 5 fd 50 rt 90 fd 6 lt 90 fd 10 lt 90 fd 16 lt 90 fd 10 lt 90 fd 6 pc 255 0 0 pu lt 90 fd 2 pd rt 90 fd 8 lt 90 fd 6 lt 90 fd 12 lt 90 fd 6 lt 90 fd 4 pc 255 255 0 pu rt 90 fd 2 lt 5 pd fd 50 lt 45 ]] |
se 270 pc 255 0 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 300 pc 200 50 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 330 pc 150 100 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 0 pc 100 150 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 30 pc 50 200 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 60 pc 0 255 0 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 90 pc 0 200 50 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 120 pc 0 150 100 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 150 pc 0 100 150 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 180 pc 0 50 200 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 210 pc 0 0 255 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd se 240 pc 50 0 200 re 18 [[ fd 5 rt 10 ]] pu hm pd |
XMAS TREE | Coordinates for the ++ quadrant: (5,0), (10,0), (10,20), (50,20), (10,45), (40,45), (10,70), (30,70), (5,100) |
XMAS TREE | Coordinates: (0,50), (35,30), (5,30), (5,20), (55,0), (5,0), (5,-10), (65,-30), (5,-30), (5,-40), (75,-60), (5,-60), (5,-70), (85,-90), (5,-90), (5,-100), (-5, -100), (-5,-90), (-85,-90), (-5,-70), (-5,-60), (-75,-60), (-5,-40), (-5,-30), (-65,-30), (-5,-10), (-5,0), (-55,0), (-5,20), (-5,30), (-35,30) |
WIRE TREE | Coordinates: (0,90), (-10,80), (10,70), (-30,60), (30,50), (-50,40), (50,30), (-70,20), (0,20) |
Step One |
Step Two |
Step Three |
FAN TREE: Partial Code: trunk: pc 180 80 50 pu sz -9 -100 pd re 9 [[ fd 18 rt 90 fd 1 rt 90 fd 18 lt 90 fd 1 lt 90 ]] top fan: pu sz 0 0 pd se 150 re 20 [[ fd 30 bk 30 rt 3 ]] Star: se 18 pu sz -5 -5 pd re 5 [[ fd 15 rt 144 ]] ORNAMENT: re 20 [[ fd 5 bk 5 rt 18 ]] STARTING POINTS FOR SOME OF THE FANS: (10,-20), (-10,-40),(-30,-60) |
Coordinates: (0,100), (-100,50), (100,50), (50,25), (-50,25) ONE HALF TREE: pu sz 0 100 pd re 3 [[ se 150 fd 30 se 270 fd 10 ]] fd 10 |
Coordinates: trunk: (-5,-100), tree parts: (0,-60),(0,-40),(0,-20), ornament:
(0,-20) TRUNK: pc 200 150 80 re 5 [[ fd 10 rt 90 fd 1 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 fd 1 lt 90 ]] TREE SEGMENT: se 210 re 60 [[ pc 0 255 0 fd 35 pc 255 0 0 fd 1 pu bk 36 pd lt 1 ]] ORNAMENT: re 30 [[ fd 8 bk 8 rt 12 ]] |
TOP OF TREE: (0,100) TOP LEFT OF EACH SECTION: (-30,60), (-40,30), (-50,0), (-60,-30), (-70,-60) TOP LEFT OF TRUNK: (-10,-90) JAGGED EDGES: re 7 [[ se 45 fd 14 se 135 fd 14 ]] |
POINT of ARROW: (0,0) END of ARROW: (100, 5) and (100, -5) BOTTOM LEFT CORNER: (0, -50) BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER: (100, -50) |
ROW of BOXES: re 10 [[ re 4 [[ fd 8 rt 90 ]] se 90 pu fd 10 pd se 0 ]] HALF BOX ONE: se 0 fd 8 se 135 fd 12 se 270 fd 8 HALF BOX TWO: se 0 fd 8 se 90 fd 8 se 225 fd 11 HALF BOX THREE: se 0 fd 8 se 270 fd 8 se 135 fd 11 HALF BOX FOUR: se 180 fd 8 se 270 fd 8 se 45 fd 11 These are the basic building blocks. It is up to you to put them together! |
GO TO STARTING POINT: sz -10 -100 se 90 SET COLOR: pc 0 255 255 MAKE SOLID SQUARE: re 10 [[ fd 20 lt 90 fd 1 lt 90 fd 20 rt 90 fd 1 rt 90 ]] Continue to change color and make a solid square until you get eight squares. |
FEATURES: 1) Gradual transition from green to red 2) Roof slopes at 30 degrees and is 72 units long 3) The sides of the house below the roof are 30 units tall |
BUNNY | Here are the coordinates for an ear: (10,30), (0,50), (0,70), (15,90), (30,70), (30,50), (20,30) |
TURTLE | Draw your own turtle any way you can. |