The Demise of Hallow Rock

Story Questions

  1. Why were the boys expected to ride in groups of at least three?
  2. Why didn't the boys ride on the top half of the dunes?
  3. How did people in the boys' town view the military?
  4. Describe Hollow Rock.
  5. What was the source of the amplified voice which the boys heard while in the rock?
  6. Which one of the boys was most worried about getting caught trespassing on military land? Why was this boy so worried?
  7. Why were the hummers unable to catch the boys?
  8. Why was Sawyer about to say something sarcastic after the narrow escape?
  9. What did the military do to Hollow Rock? Why did they take this action?
  10. Could Patrick's idea about moving Hollow Rock have really worked? Why or why not?