Word Sum is another game which mostly involves addition. But it also requires translation. You are presented with a word and you must find its value. In order to do this you must translate each letter of the word into a numeric value using the following translation table.
A=1 J=10 S=19 B=2 K=11 T=20 C=3 L=12 U=21 D=4 M=13 V=22 E=5 N=14 W=23 F=6 O=15 X=24 G=7 P=16 Y=25 H=8 Q=17 Z=26 I=9 R=18
WORD: PENCIL TRANSLATE: P = 16 E = 5 N = 14 C = 3 I = 9 + L = 12 ---------- ADD: 59