Converting yards to meters is accomplished by using .9144 as the conversion
factor. That is, you multiply the number of yards by .9144 to get the
equivalent distance in meters. Here are a few examples:
YARDS * CONVERSION FACTOR = METERS 4 * .9144 = 3.6576 10 * .9144 = 9.144 12 * .9144 = 10.9728 2 * .9144 = 1.8288
NOTE: On the final applet for this lesson a very strange scoring method will
be used so don't be surprised. It's not as bad as it seems at first, but if
you make a lot of mistakes it will work against you. So, be very careful to
enter only correct answers! The amount you score per correct answers
increases as long as you enter only correct answers, but if you enter a
wrong answer your scoring increment goes back to one.