Arithmetic Grade Six

Lesson Thirty-seven: Signed Addition

There are basically four combinations that you may have to deal with in signed computations:

	1) positive + positive
	2) positive + negative
	3) negative + positive
	4) negative + negative

Your answer must be positive in the first situation. Your answer must be negative in the last situation. In situations two and three, your answer could be negative or positive depending on the numbers involved.

Situation One: Positive Plus Positive
Your answer must be positive when adding two positive numbers.


	  1 + 1 = 2
	  100 + 200 = 300
	  33 + 22 = 55

Situation Two: Negative Plus Negative
Your answer must be negative when adding two negative numbers.


	  -1 + -1 = -2
	  -100 + -200 = -300
	  -33 + -22 = -55

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