Sometimes a fraction doesn't convert nicely into a decimal value. Take the following example:
Convert 4/11 to a decimal and percent: .36363 ---------- 11 | 4.000000 3 3 -------- 70 66 -------- 40 33 -------- 70 66 -------- 40 33 -------- etc. If we attempt to keep dividing until there is no remainder we will find that there is no end to the division we must do. So, we will have to be content with rounding off this quotient to the nearest 100th. Rounding .36363 to the nearest 100th yields .36 since the digit in the thousandths column is less than five. Ofcourse, .36 will become 36% when converted to a percent.
Convert 3/8 to decimal and percent: .375 -------- 8 | 3.000 2 4 -------- 60 56 -------- 40 40 -------- 0 When we round .375 to the nearest 100th we get .38 since there is a five in the thousandths column. Converting .38 to percent we get 38%.
Now you get to try a few for yourself.