Arithmetic Grade Five
Lesson One hundred and Thirty: Equivalent Decimals and Mixed Numbers
Converting mixed numbers to decimal values is just as easy as converting
fractions to decimals. Here are some examples:
4 1/10 = 4.1 3 1/5 = 3.2
5 3/4 = 5.75 2 1/2 = 2.5
The whole number portion of the mixed number doesn't change when you convert
to a decimal. All you do is write the whole number and add the converted
fraction on the end as a decimal.
Here are a few more examples:
2 2/4 = 2.5 111 1/5 = 111.2
3 4/5 = 3.8 2 3/10 = 2.3
Now you get to try a few for yourself.
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