Arithmetic Grade Five

Lesson One hundred and Twenty-five: Converting Decimals to Fractions

Converting decimals to fractions is really just a special case of reducing fractions. All decimals are is fractions with denominators which are multiples of ten. For instance, .4 is the same as 4/10, .27 is the same as 27/100, and .333 is the same as 333/1000. An easy way to determine the denominator for the fraction is to count the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the decimal value. This corresponds to the number of zeroes which will be in your denominator. Also remember that .4 is pronounced four-tenths, .27 is pronounced twenty-seven-hundredths, and .333 three-hundred-thirty-three-thousandths.

Once you understand the above information, the rest of the problem is simply to reduce the fraction.

Here are a few examples:
.25 25/100 1/4
.3 3/10 3/10
.66 66/100 33/50
.8 8/10 4/5
.15 15/100 3/20
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