Arithmetic Grade Five

Lesson One hundred and Fifty-five: Sixteenths


Enlargement of an Inch: In addition to wholes, halfs, quarters, and eighths this ruler also shows sixteenths. Here is a list of the sixteenths and their equivalents in halfs, fourths, and eighths:

  • 1/16
  • 2/16 = 1/8
  • 3/16
  • 4/16 = 2/8 = 1/4
  • 5/16
  • 6/16 = 3/8
  • 7/16
  • 8/16 = 4/8 = 2/4 = 1/2
  • 9/16
  • 10/16 = 5/8
  • 11/16
  • 12/16 = 6/8 = 3/4
  • 13/16
  • 14/16 = 7/8
  • 15/16

The shortest lines on this ruler represent the sixteenths with odd numerators: 1/16, 3/16, 5/16, 7/16, 9/16, 11/16, 13/16, 15/16.

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