Arithmetic Grade Five

Lesson Sixty-one: Division Facts

In division there are some basic identities just like with multiplication:
  1. Zero divided by any number is zero. Example: 0 / 44 = 0
  2. Any number divided by one is that number. Example: 44 / 1 = 44
  3. Any number divided by itself is one. Example: 44 / 44 = 1
  4. You can't divide by zero. Example: 44 / 0 = undefined
Here are a few more examples:

	8 / 1 = 8		0 / 5 = 0		12 / 1 = 12

	10 / 10 = 1		9 / 1 = 9		12 / 12 = 1  

Dividing numbers that are multiples of ten by ten works out pretty nicely in division like it did in multiplication. Here are a few examples.

  100 / 10 = 10		200 / 10 = 20		3000 / 10 = 300

  800 / 10 = 80		900 / 10 = 90		4000 / 10 = 400

You get to try a few for yourself on the next page.

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