Arithmetic Grade Four

Lesson One hundred and forty-five: WEIGHT: ounces, pounds, tons

Remember these facts:

            16 ounces = 1 pound
          2000 pounds = 1 ton

Here are some conversion examples between pounds and tons:
          pounds  |  tons
           2000   |    1
           4000   |    2
           6000   |    3
           8000   |    4

Converting tons to ounces is meaningless and so we won't do any of that in this lesson. (The number you'd wind up would be too large to be of much use.) Instead, we will do some word problems involving the value of precious metals. Here's an example:

  SILVER: $35 per ounce
  How much is 2 pounds of silver worth?

  STEP ONE: 2 x 16 to convert pounds to ounces (32 ounces)
  STEP TWO: 32 x $35 to find value of the silver ($1120)


  GOLD; $275 per ounce

  How much is 3 pounds of gold worth?

  STEP ONE: 3 x 16 to convert pounds to ounces (48 ounces)
  STEP TWO: 48 x $275 to find value of the gold ($13200)

NOTE: The actual price of precious metals changes on a daily basis.

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