Arithmetic Grade Four

Lesson One hundred and forty-three: VOLUME: ounces, cups, pints

You need to remember these throughout this lesson:

        8 ounces = 1 cup
        2 cups   = 1 pint
       16 ounces = 1 pint 

The following examples show equivalent amounts in ounces and pints:
          ounces  |  pints
           16     |    1
           32     |    2   
           48     |    3
           64     |    4

Simplifying ounces into pints, cups, and ounces is done like this:

   A. 57 ounces = ?? pints, ?? cups, ?? ounces

      1) Divide: 57/16 = 3 r9  (find pints by dividing by 16)
      2) Divide Remainder: 9 / 8 = 1 r1 (find cups by dividing by 8)
      3) Remainder is leftover ounces.

      ANSWER: 3 pints, 1 cups, 1 ounces.
   B. 75 ounces = ?? pints, ?? cups, ?? ounces

      1) 75/16 = 4 r11
      2) 11/8 = 1 r3

      ANSWER: 4 pints, 1 cups, 3 ounces.

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