Sometimes you do something several times and you want to know how much total time you spent doing that task.
I practiced my guitar four times this week. On Monday I practiced for 44 minutes. Tuesday I practiced for 10 minutes. Thursday I practiced 17 minutes. On Saturday I practiced for 20 minutes. How much time did I spend playing my guitar during the week? ANSWER: :44 :10 :17 + :20 -------- :91 SIMPLIFY: Since 60 minutes is equal to one hour, we can take an hour's worth of minutes out of 91, leaving 31 minutes and making one hour. ANSWER: 1:31
Melvin does the dishes each week night after dinner. It took him 15 minutes to do the dishes on Monday. On Tuesday it took him 10 minutes. Wednesday night it took him 12 minutes. On Thursday night it took him 22 minutes and Friday night he spent 16 minutes doing the dishes. How much time did he spend doing the dishes during the week? :15 :10 :12 :22 + :16 -------- :75 SIMPLIFY: You can get one hour's worth of minutes out of 75 minutes. This makes one hour with 15 minutes left over. ANSWER: 1:15