Arithmetic Grade Four

Lesson One hundred and fifty-three: PICTOGRAPHS

Sometimes we use pictographs instead of tallies to display information. Study the following example:

From this pictograph for DVD sales during July we can see:

The key at the bottom tells us that each full square represents the sale of 100 DVDs and that each half square represents the sale of 50 DVDs.

Based on this pictograph we could answer questions such as:

   1) How many more Drama DVDs were sold than Children's DVDs?
      ANSWER: 450 - 300 = 150.

   2) How many more Action DVDs were sold than Comedy DVDs?
      ANSWER: 900 - 650 = 250.

   3) How many Comedy or Action DVDs were sold in all?
      ANSWER: 650 + 900 = 1550.

Here's another example:

From this pictograph for vacation trips during April we can see:

The key at the bottom tells us that each full square represents 800 trips and that each half square represents 400 trips.

Based on this pictograph we could answer questions such as:

   1) How many more people traveled to Texas than Florida?
      ANSWER: 4400 - 3200 = 1200.

   2) How many more people went to California than Hawaii?
      ANSWER: 7200 - 1600 = 5600.

   3) How many people traveled to Texas or Florida?
      ANSWER: 4400 + 3200 = 7600.

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