These facts you must know to do the problems in this lesson:
12 inches = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard 36 inches = 1 yard
1) Convert 77 inches into feet and inches: First we get as many feet out of 77 inches as possible (77 / 12 = 6 r5) and the remainder is the number of leftover inches. ANSWER: 6 feet, 5 inches 2) Convert 77 inches into yards and inches: First we get as many yards out of 77 as possible (77 / 36 = 2 r5) and the remainder is the number of leftover inches. ANSWER: 2 yards, 5 inches 3) Convert 86 inches into yards, feet, and inches: i) Yards ( 86 / 36 = 2 r14 ) Take yards out of 86. ii) Feet ( 14 / 12 = 1 r2 ) Take feet out of leftover inches. ANSWER: 2 yards, 1 foot, 2 inches