Arithmetic Grade Four

Lesson One hundred and sixteen: Converting Fractions to Decimals

You can convert any fraction to a decimal value which at least approximates the value of the fraction. Most of the time you can find decimal values which are exactly equivalent to a fraction value. Here are some examples:

    1/2  =  .5			1/5  =  .2

    2/5  =  .4			3/5  =  .6

    4/5  =  .8                  1/10  = .1

    3/10 =  .3			4/10  = .4

You can figure these out for yourself by finding equivalent fractions with 10 in the denominator, like this:

     1/2  =  5/10  =  .5

     3/5  =  6/10  =  .6

Now you get to try a few for yourself.

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