Arithmetic Grade Four

Lesson One hundred and thirty-seven: Division Practice

When dividing really large numbers we have to repeat the division cycle (divide-multiply-subtract-bringdown/end) several times.

           341 r1         1. DIVIDE  (How many times will 13 fit into 44?)
        +-------          2. MULTIPLY (3 x 13 = 39)
     13 | 4434            3. SUBTRACT (44 - 39 = 5)
          39              4. BRING DOWN (3)
         -----            5. DIVIDE (How many times will 13 fit into 52?)
           53             6. MULTIPLY (4 x 13 = 52)
           52             7. SUBTRACT (53 - 52 = 1)
          -----           8. BRING DOWN (4)
            14            9. DIVIDE (How many times will 13 fit into 14?)
            13           10. MULTIPLY (1 x 13 = 13)
           ----          11. SUBTRACT (14 - 13 = 1)
             1           12. REMAINDER (1)

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