As you may recall, affixes are word parts that are added to words and which change the meaning of the word they are added to. Prefixes are added to the front of words and suffixes are attached to the end of words. One very commonly used suffix is -ful. It means "full of".
careful beautiful skillful helpful cheerful wonderful colorful remorseful plentiful
surfer skier teacher painter reader writer higher slower shorter lighter faster quicker
Idioms are interesting ways of expressing an idea. They add humor to everyday communication. Here are a few examples:
I got egg on my face I did something embarrassing chicken out too afraid to do something chicken scratch bad handwriting let's talk turkey let's discuss business chicken feed small amount of money horse sense common sense putting the cart before the horse doing things in the wrong order I could eat a horse I'm very hungry hold your horses be patient we have to hoof it we must walk charley horse leg cramp