Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Three: Suffixes

  1. flock
  2. block
  3. shock
  4. clump
  5. plump
  6. stump
  7. revolution
  8. duration
  9. length
  10. winter
  1. city
  2. town
  3. village
  4. solar
  5. system
  6. planets
  7. orbit
  8. spring
  9. fall
  10. summer

Another commonly used suffix is -er. It can mean either "a person who does" or it can mean "more". Here are some examples:

	surfer			skier			teacher

	painter			reader			writer

	higher			slower			shorter

	lighter			faster			quicker

Here are the meanings of some of these words:
	surfer		=	one who surfs

	reader		=	one who reads

	teacher		=	one who teaches

	higher		=	more high

	faster		=	more fast

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