Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Two: Rhymes

  1. flock
  2. block
  3. shock
  4. clump
  5. plump
  6. stump
  7. revolution
  8. duration
  9. length
  10. winter
  1. city
  2. town
  3. village
  4. solar
  5. system
  6. planets
  7. orbit
  8. spring
  9. fall
  10. summer

Often words that rhyme share the same letter pattern, but this isn't always so. Here are a few words that rhyme which don't all have the same letter patterns:

	which/ditch		deer/hear		bear/care

	pear/chair		row/sew			fed/head

	grow/toe		wood/could		tried/hide

	weight/bait		nail/tale		maid/fade

It also sometimes happens that two words with the same letter pattern do not rhyme:

	bear/ear		care/are		

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