Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Four: Idioms

  1. flock
  2. block
  3. shock
  4. clump
  5. plump
  6. stump
  7. revolution
  8. duration
  9. length
  10. winter
  1. city
  2. town
  3. village
  4. solar
  5. system
  6. planets
  7. orbit
  8. spring
  9. fall
  10. summer

Idioms can sometimes be confusing. The first time you hear someone use a certain idiom you may wonder what they are trying to say. Usually you can figure out the meaning from the context (or situation) in which it is used, but sometimes the meaning still isn't clear. That's why it is a good thing to know the meanings of commonly used idioms. Here are a few examples:

walking on egg shells			being careful not to hurt someone's feelings
egghead					highly educated person
you can't unscramble eggs		you can't undo what is done
bad egg					bad person
don't put all your eggs in one basket	spread out your risk
does a chicken have lips?		a way of saying no
I got egg on my face			I did something embarrassing
chicken out				too afraid to do something
chicken scratch				bad handwriting
let's talk turkey			let's discuss business
chicken feed				small amount of money

Here are three of these idioms used in sentences:

	The boy who stole your hat is a bad egg.

	You expect me to work for chicken feed!

	That's a good idea, now let's talk turkey.

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