Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Two: Rhymes

  1. flock
  2. block
  3. shock
  4. clump
  5. plump
  6. stump
  7. revolution
  8. duration
  9. length
  10. winter
  1. city
  2. town
  3. village
  4. solar
  5. system
  6. planets
  7. orbit
  8. spring
  9. fall
  10. summer

Words are said to rhyme if they share a common vowel sound. For instance, the following sets of words rhyme:


	bat: cat, fat, hat, sat		(short a followed by t)
	cap: flap, gap, nap, slap	(short a followed by p)
	bake: cake, fake, lake, make	(long a followed by k)

Rhymes are often used in poems and the lyrics of songs. Here's a short, silly poem that rhymes:

	We went to the lake
	And we ate some cake
	We climbed up a tree
	and we said yippee!
The last words of the first two lines rhyme with each other (lake and cake) and the last words of the last two lines rhyme with each other (tree and yippee).

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