Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Seventeen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Over- and Under-

  1. bring
  2. thing
  3. spring
  4. think
  5. shrink
  6. blink
  7. company
  8. yield
  9. hardy
  10. improve
  1. crops
  2. heredity
  3. genetic
  4. modify
  5. agriculture
  6. farming
  7. experimental
  8. hybrid
  9. altered
  10. traits
Prefixes: Under-

The prefix under- means less than or below. Here are a few words which begin with this prefix:

	undercover		underwear		underage

	underrated		underpass		underhand

	underground		underline		undershirt

	undertone		understand		underdog

Often to show that certain words are important, we draw a line under them. This is called underlining.

	underground - below the ground
	underwear - clothes worn beneath other clothes

	underage - below a certain age

	underdog - predicted loser in a contest

	understand - to comprehend

	underline - to draw a line under words

	underrated - rated less than deserved

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