Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Seventeen, Lesson Two: Pronouns and Nouns

  1. bring
  2. thing
  3. spring
  4. think
  5. shrink
  6. blink
  7. company
  8. yield
  9. hardy
  10. improve
  1. crops
  2. heredity
  3. genetic
  4. modify
  5. agriculture
  6. farming
  7. experimental
  8. hybrid
  9. altered
  10. traits

Simple nouns are words for persons, places, or things. For instance, a highway is a thing. You can see and feel a highway. A bottle is also a thing you can see and hold. Other nouns which name objects that you can see and feel are: desk, chair, tree, house, book, pencil, sandwich, and camera.

Not all nouns name things you can touch or see. For instance consider these words:

	mind		belief		conscience

	preference	peace		wind

Proper nouns name persons, places, or things just like regular nouns. The difference is that they name specific persons, places, or things. Proper nouns always start with a capital letter. Here are a few examples:

	Arc Dome		Boundary Peak		Elko

	Mexico			Death Valley		Furnace Creek

	Sue Smith		Harry			Dr. Jones

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