Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Seventeen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bring
  2. thing
  3. spring
  4. think
  5. shrink
  6. blink
  7. company
  8. yield
  9. hardy
  10. improve
  1. crops
  2. heredity
  3. genetic
  4. modify
  5. agriculture
  6. farming
  7. experimental
  8. hybrid
  9. altered
  10. traits
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ing and -ink letter patterns. Here are some more words with these letter patterns:

	king			fling			bringing

	sting			ring			sink

	stink			mink			pink

Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the ri- letter pattern.

	bring			spring			shrink

	agriculture		experimental		hybrid

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