Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Sixteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. wind
  2. mind
  3. find
  4. spine
  5. fine
  6. mine
  7. fossil
  8. fuel
  9. electric
  10. thermal
  1. turbines
  2. dam
  3. project
  4. generate
  5. hydroelectric
  6. geothermal
  7. gasoline
  8. coal
  9. efficient
  10. plentiful
Letter Patterns

Six words from this list end with a vowel followed by the letter L.

	fossil			fuel			thermal

	geothermal		coal			plentiful

Two pairs of words from this list are built from each other:

	thermal --> geothermal

	electric --> hydroelectric

Finally, notice that the vowel sound of the last syllable of "gasoline", is different than the vowel sound which occurs in "spine", "fine", and "mine", eventhough it is spelled the same way. Also notice the final vowel sound of "turbines" and compare this pronunciation to the other -ine words.

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