Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Sixteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review
- wind
- mind
- find
- spine
- fine
- mine
- fossil
- fuel
- electric
- thermal
- turbines
- dam
- project
- generate
- hydroelectric
- geothermal
- gasoline
- coal
- efficient
- plentiful
Unit Review
This list contains several words with the -ind and -ine letter patterns.
mind wind find
spine mine fine
gasoline turbines
Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the
-al letter pattern.
Prepositions and Conjunctions
Prepositions are used to connect a phrase (called a prepositional phrase) to
a sentence. Here are some prepositions:
on by near
under above in
over beneath through
Conjunctions join two sentence parts. These are the three most commonly used
and or but
if because as soon as
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