Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Un- and Re-

  1. wind
  2. mind
  3. find
  4. spine
  5. fine
  6. mine
  7. fossil
  8. fuel
  9. electric
  10. thermal
  1. turbines
  2. dam
  3. project
  4. generate
  5. hydroelectric
  6. geothermal
  7. gasoline
  8. coal
  9. efficient
  10. plentiful
Prefixes: Un-

The prefix un- means not or the reverse of. Here are some words which begin with the un- prefix.

	unclean			unhappy			unfair

	unbeatable		uncertain		uncommon

	unusual			unleaded		untie

	unable			unexpected		unwilling

The meaning of these words is very clear and obvious. For instance, you may have noticed that gasoline is usually labeled "unleaded" and you may realize that gasoline used to contain lead and that most gasoline sold today does not contain lead (which is why it's called unleaded).

	unclean = not clean	

	unhappy = unhappy

	unfair = not fair

	untie = the reverse of tying

	uncertain = not certain

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