Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Sixteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- wind
- mind
- find
- spine
- fine
- mine
- fossil
- fuel
- electric
- thermal
- turbines
- dam
- project
- generate
- hydroelectric
- geothermal
- gasoline
- coal
- efficient
- plentiful
Letter Patterns
This list contains several words with the -ind and -ine letter patterns.
Here are some more words with these letter patterns:
find blind kind
rewind dine nine
shrine pine wine
Notice that the word "wind" is pronounced with a different vowel sound than
the other -ind words. In fact, the second vowel sound in "rewind" is even
different from that of "wind".
Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the
-al letter pattern.
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