Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fifteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. thick
  2. brick
  3. quick
  4. pride
  5. stride
  6. wide
  7. nutrition
  8. mineral
  9. zinc
  10. retinol
  1. carotene
  2. beta
  3. relaxation
  4. flexibility
  5. stamina
  6. endurance
  7. strength
  8. physical
  9. exercise
  10. athlete
Letter Patterns

This list has two words which are four or more syllables long:

	re-lax-a-tion			flex-i-bil-i-ty

There are also a few words which are three syllables long:

	min-er-al			nut-ri-tion

	re-tin-ol			car-o-tene

	stam-i-na			en-dur-ance

	phys-i-cal			ex-er-cise

The rest of the words are one or two syllables long.

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