Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fifteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. thick
  2. brick
  3. quick
  4. pride
  5. stride
  6. wide
  7. nutrition
  8. mineral
  9. zinc
  10. retinol
  1. carotene
  2. beta
  3. relaxation
  4. flexibility
  5. stamina
  6. endurance
  7. strength
  8. physical
  9. exercise
  10. athlete
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ick and -ide letter patterns.

	thick			brick			quick

	pride			stride			wide

Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the -en letter pattern.

	carotene		endurance		strength

VCC Letter Pattern

Here are some common words which contain the VCC letter pattern:

  ACK:  back, black, lack, pack, sack, snack
  ALL:  ball, call, fall, hall, small, tall, wall
  AMP:  camp, clamp, damp, lamp, stamp
  AND:  brand, grand, band, hand, sand, stand
  ANG:  bang, fang, hang, sang, sprang
  ANK:  bank, blank, drank, shrank, spank, thank  
  ANT:  pant, slant, want
  ARK:  bark, spark, lark, park
  ASH:  cash, gash, lash, mash, splash
  ELL:  bell, fell, sell, tell, swell, well
  END:  bend, friend, lend, mend, spend
  ENT:  cent, dent, went, sent, spent
  ICK:  sick, flick, stick, trick
  ILL:  bill, dill, fill, gill, hill, will
  ING:  bring, thing, sing, swing, king
  INK:  shrink, think, clink, link, wink
  INT:  flint, hint, lint, mint, splint, sprint
  OCK:  clock, dock, block, rock, shock
  OLD:  bold, told, sold, mold, hold, gold
  ONG:  dong, long, song, strong, wrong
  UFF:  bluff, cuff, gruff, puff, stuff
  UNG:  hung, lung, rung, slung, sprung, sung
  UNK:  bunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, shrunk, skunk, trunk
  USH:  blush, brush, crush, flush, mush, rush

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