This list contains several words with the -ick and -ide letter patterns.
thick brick quick pride stride wide
Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the -en letter pattern.
carotene endurance strength
VCC Letter Pattern
Here are some common words which contain the VCC letter pattern:
ACK: back, black, lack, pack, sack, snack ALL: ball, call, fall, hall, small, tall, wall AMP: camp, clamp, damp, lamp, stamp AND: brand, grand, band, hand, sand, stand ANG: bang, fang, hang, sang, sprang ANK: bank, blank, drank, shrank, spank, thank ANT: pant, slant, want ARK: bark, spark, lark, park ASH: cash, gash, lash, mash, splash ELL: bell, fell, sell, tell, swell, well END: bend, friend, lend, mend, spend ENT: cent, dent, went, sent, spent ICK: sick, flick, stick, trick ILL: bill, dill, fill, gill, hill, will ING: bring, thing, sing, swing, king INK: shrink, think, clink, link, wink INT: flint, hint, lint, mint, splint, sprint OCK: clock, dock, block, rock, shock OLD: bold, told, sold, mold, hold, gold ONG: dong, long, song, strong, wrong UFF: bluff, cuff, gruff, puff, stuff UNG: hung, lung, rung, slung, sprung, sung UNK: bunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, shrunk, skunk, trunk USH: blush, brush, crush, flush, mush, rush